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Current Rebates & Specials

Call us today to schedule your preventative maintenance. Just like your automobile, regular maintenance can help your heating and cooling equipment run at peak efficiency.

Wisconsin Rebates

The Wisconsin Focus on Energy Residential Rewards Cash-Back Program rewards homeowners for the installation of certain high efficiency heating and cooling systems.

BETHKE Heating & Air Conditioning is a trade ally of Wisconsin Focus on Energy. We will advise you on what equipment can qualify for these Wisconsin Focus on Energy rebates.

HEAT PUMPS provide summer cooling as well as supplemental winter heat. We will have performace details. Currently, a “dual-fuel” system (gas furnace + electric heat pump) can qualify for Wiscosin Focus on Energy.

Wisconsin Income-Eligible Incentives

Significantly larger Cash-Back Rewards are available to Wisconsin residents with household incomes below the state median income. These enhanced rewards help make new energy efficient heating equipment more affordable.

Contact BETHKE Heating & Air Conditioning today at 608-251-2222 for complete details!

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